I don’t know about you, but I passed my “Howard Beale Moment” well over a year ago. Let’s face it, at this point in time, it’s pretty clear, no matter how far you stick your head out the window, no matter how loud you scream... no one’s listening. No one who matters, that is.
Before we address the shameful display put on by our Republican Senators who happily disgraced the memory of every soldier who gave his/her life defending the document/principles they chose to use as toilet paper, let’s take a brief step back. After all, the main reason we’re in this shit show to begin with is the archaically obsolete Electoral College.
This ancient, futile system of letting six states decide an election for the entire country is so beyond broken, it’s laughable. Yet, since the orange idiot’s “election”, have we done anything to remedy it? Sure, a few Left-leaning states have implemented a few new twists and turns, i.e. pledging to give their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. However, the sad reality is the Electoral College will, once again, play a front and center role in the election of our next President, as well. And then some.
Where else - besides Russia, Syria, and other fascist States - do you see a contest in which the “loser” wins? Imagine if the 49ers scored more points than the Chiefs, but the Chiefs were presented with the Lombardi trophy, anyway? That’s our presidential election, kids. And it’s simply FUBAR. But what’s worse? The fact that this mind-bogglingly stupid policy’s been wreaking havoc with our democracy for centuries, or that we still don’t seem to feel the need to change it?
Odds are, given how slow this Congress moves on calling for desperately needed change of any kind, i.e. gun control, oversight of the social media behemoths, etc., it will be years - possibly decades, before this obsolete process is put out to pasture. Thank you, sir, may I have another?
Jumping back to the present, witnessing the capitulation/betrayal of our elected officials to the most criminally corrupt POTUS to ever hold office shines a glaring light in one, specific area: The Constitution is a sacred document, but it’s like a hundred year-old bridge in downtown Newark - full of outdated, rust-covered sections in desperate need of repair.
Again, what’s worse? That half our Congress just openly betrayed their oaths to defend The Constitution, or that there’s nothing in the Constitution to stop them from doing it?
There’s absolutely nothing in there, not a single paragraph, phrase, or amendment, calling for any congressman found to be guilty of betraying his/her sworn oath to face criminal penalties/prosecution. Rather, the “punishment” for these cowardly cockroaches who dared swear an oath in front of the entire world, then proceeded to happily rub their wanton hypocrisy in our faces, will be a golden parachute and free health care for life, on us. Beyond disgusting.
But, hey, we have bigger fish to fry, right? Our prisons are overflowing and disgusting. Corporations are legally people now - at least according to our Supreme Court (which currently boasts, not one, but two sexual predators) - of course, they can’t be prosecuted as one when they commit crimes though, and our kids’ schools set aside time to practice ‘active shooter’ drills. But, I digress.
If I were the Dems, and I just saw my country betrayed in such fashion by my fellow Americans, I would be filing new articles of impeachment, every week, until each of the 33,889 crimes committed by this reprehensible administration are called out. After all, if this entire circus was created by just focusing on one of the president’s actions, imagine how many we don’t know about?
As we move forward from this national disgrace, the real scary thing is, now that we have a president who’s above the Law, a Congress that’s openly aiding and abetting, and an Attorney General who’s all too happy to help, you know damn well the next item of business for these soulless miscreants is to figure out how to hold onto power. Thus, the rigging of our next election. You think we saw some fucked up shit in the past? Something tells me 2020 will make 2000 look like a walk in the park. These treasonous sycophants just showed their willingness to brazenly ignore the voice of The People on the world stage. Now that they know they can get away with it, get ready for gerrymandering, ballot tampering, corrupt-judge appointing, legalizing voter suppression, misinformation, disinformation the likes of which we’ve never seen. If reading this makes you want to vomit, I apologize. Imagine what writing it does.
I don’t know about you, but at this point it definitely appears as if our Constitution needs to be torn apart and rewritten from scratch. Not to mention, we need to figure out a way to rise above all the vote tampering/election interference and reshape our entire system of government. Starting with who we nominate for president and how it’s done. The money in politics is obviously the main issue, but that’s a whole other can o’ worms.
As we speak, the Dems are still seriously considering nominating another old, rich white guy. Not that Bernie or Biden would do a bad job, Lord knows, we’d probably be better off with a serial killer in the oval, but after what we’ve been through -and are going through - it seems a complete and total shake-up is in order. Gay, female, tranny, whatever. Get some new fucking blood in there, asap. After all, can it be any worse?
As far as our criminal Congress goes, talking about simply “voting them out,” after this level of betrayal is unfortunately nowhere near anything remotely resembling Justice. Nor can it stand if our society is to recover/repair itself. It’s like telling the Manson family they need to move out.
Our Constitution was just murdered. If we parole the murderers, what kind of message does that send, to those both for and against these crimes? If, going forward, we wind up letting these depraved individuals off the hook, isn’t that the real end right there?