According to Wikipedia, the textbook definition of “Treason” is criminal disloyalty to the State. Treason, by definition, does not need to be aiding a foreign power with information that would be detrimental to our national security - although there’s plenty of evidence of that, too. There’s treason happening in front of our eyes and ears on a daily basis. For years now.
If you swear an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States, and, with each subsequent breath, spend every waking moment either looking the other way while others seek to undermine every principle contained within that document, or worse, play an active role in obstructing those seeking to uphold those principles, is that not treason? Is that not a blatant disregard of your sworn duties? Shouldn’t the punishment for our highest elected officials who knowingly and willfully violate their oaths of office, to such an obscene extreme, be something other than free healthcare for life and a golden parachute?
Every Republican lawmaker currently in office who fits the above description needs to be held accountable for their betrayal of their oath to defend the Constitution. Otherwise, what’s the point of any of this? And why isn’t there any remedy in our founding document calling for criminal penalties for those found guilty of violating their official duties? There’s penalties in almost every other area of our society for betraying your official duty, i.e. if you’re a cop and you violate your oath to serve and protect, you’re terminated almost immediately - sometimes, even imprisoned. Why shouldn’t our top lawmakers be held to the same, if not higher, standards? If you said, it’s because they write the laws that govern them, you’d be correct.
The Constitution is not up for debate. You’re not allowed to decide which side of it you come down on. Any elected official, Republican or Democrat, who bases his/her willingness to uphold their oath to defend the Constitution on the shameless, self-serving position of whether or not he/she is up for re-election, should be stripped of their citizenship and shipped off to a Siberian prison, last week. However, if that were the case, McConnell, Gaetz, McCarthy, Graham, Nunes, Meadows, Collins, Jordan, etc. would be on their fortieth case of hand warmers by now.
Not for nothing, but the fact that, in close to two and a half centuries, Mitt Romney became the first Senator to vote to remove a president from his/her party in the history of our Democracy, says something about our judgement as a nation with regards to the leaders we elect to govern us.
Republicans swore an oath to defend and protect the principles contained in that document - be it convenient or inconvenient - and by pretending the facts are not real, or they’re all a smoke screen by the “Deep State Conspiracy,” you’re not only making yourselves out to be pathetic fools, you're betraying your country with every passing second. And for what? To defend the self-serving criminal acts of an ignorant, sociopathic, misogynistic, megalomaniacal reality TV has-been? One who would happily throw you, your constituents, and the rest of us under the bus in the blink of an eye without a second thought if it meant saving himself?
Is this the way Republicans want to be remembered by their grandkids? A cult-like mob of spineless cowards, happily ready to abandon their oaths in blind servitude to a hapless Russian asset? The GOP have made it clear, they are more interested in avoiding a “mean tweet” from the orange emperor, than upholding the Laws of the land they swore to defend.
And what will happen to them for this utter betrayal? After working tirelessly, day in, day out, to weaken the fabric of our Democracy, after choosing a “scorched earth” policy rather than let the Dems get the “upper hand,” will these deplorable traitors be held accountable? Will they be put on trial, themselves? Nope. Nada. There simply doesn’t seem to be any remedy in The Constitution for this kind of brazen betrayal on such a grand scale. The House can’t even enforce a subpoena, as they know the president’s ‘human bidet”, bloated sycophant William Barr, would laugh in their faces.
Ask the German People what happened when their Parliament caved to the whims of an unhinged lunatic. If you think it can’t happen again, you must’ve missed the DOJ memo immediately following Trump’s acquittal addressed to every State AG, forbidding them to open ANY investigation into presidential candidates w/out his sole approval.
After all this - after disgracing the memory of every soldier who fought to defend the principles held within the document these traitors chose to use as toilet paper, after ignoring the most crushing/damning evidence ever put forth against a president in history; after turning a political no-brainer into a three-ring circus, the epic cowards who make up the House and Senate will simply sail off into the sunset, unscathed, with the aforementioned golden parachute of free healthcare for life and full pensions all around - on us. A nice reward for playing a starring role in the destruction of the institutions they’re entrusted with protecting.
FYI, those of us out there still relying on the theory of ‘voting them out,” it’s time to get with the program. Even if we succeed in ousting some of these miscreants, we won’t accomplish anywhere near the amount needed to restore decorum/sanity to our State/Federal offices- nor is voting them out enough; considering the level and extent of such an egregious abandonment of duty. Letting these cockroaches off the hook simply by voting them out is like asking the Manson family to move.
Not to mention, after appointing an illegitimate, sex-assaulting SCOTUS judge, after blocking bills to protect us from election interference, and now the crowning of their idiot King, there’s no way in Hell we will see a fair and balanced election. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to have their heads examined. Get ready for election interference the likes of which we’ve never seen; i.e., rampant voter fraud, voter suppression, gerrymandering, ballot stuffing, ballot losing, ballot fixing, voting machine tampering, misinformation, disinformation, help from foreign governments, etc. etc. etc.
For a bunch of self-professed “truth seekers,” and “Defenders of the Realm” Republicans sure have hitched their wagon to the wrong horse. Not only do they not see the storm brewing on the horizon, but if you’re going to hang your reputations, and what’s left of your honor, out to dry, as well as decimate your centuries-old party for generations to come, at least do it with a POTUS who has a modicum of class, dignity, and Statesmanship. Not the Chernobyl of American Democracy.
As crazy as it may be, as we speak, Republicans continue to try and get the American People to believe that every witness who’s testified to date is a liar, and the only one we can trust is a lying, thieving, charity-bilking, bank-swindling, tax-cheating, draft-dodging, environment-killing, Justice-obstructing, pornstar-bribing, student-defrauding, Russia-colluding, war-mongering, pussy-grabbing, megalomaniacal sociopath.
Sad as it is to look back on this inexplicably insane shit show, was it that hard to predict a lifelong grifter who defrauded banks, partners, wives, mistresses, cities and students out of billions, who bribed porn stars then lied about it, who happily abandoned our sworn allies in the Middle East after just a five minute phone call; is it that hard to imagine this shameless putz would do the same to the nation he swore to protect and defend?
If there’s one thing Republicans will never be accused of, it’s good judgement. They’re so blind with hatred for the left, they’d rather see their kids grow up speaking Russian and their country torn apart than admit their boy is a colossal failure. That would require character. Something only Mitt Romney appears to possess.
The president of the United States abused the power of his office and attempted to leverage a foreign government’s congressionally approved aid in exchange for dirt on his political rival. Yet, in spite of the truckload of evidence, “Moscow” Mitch McConnell just etched in stone why he is the worst Senator in American history, by a landslide. No doubt he’s earned a spot in Letterman's top ten of the Worst Americans of All-Time, as well. Yet, ask yourself, with things being as they are, i.e., no legal consequences for their actions, why would any of these low-lifes feel the sudden urge to break precedent and, for once, uphold his/her vow? After all, who’s afraid of a golden parachute?
Raise your hand if you’ll vote for the first candidate who makes prosecuting these cockroaches their first official act of office.