Forgive me if I go on a rant here, I just hate to see cowardice in full display at the worst possible moment.
McDonald's is one of the most powerful and most well-known brands in the world. You were founded by a man who believed in the American Dream. Now, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, that dream is in grave danger of being turned into a nightmare for many less fortunate than you. Yet, you choose to remain silent. You even went out of your way to shout it from the rooftops.
We are all born with an inner moral compass. And, while some do, indeed, heed that compass, most of us don't. Sadly, that's human nature.
Standing up for your beliefs against a ferociously misguided opposition is the harder road to take, by far. In rare occasions, it might even require the ultimate personal sacrifice. Just ask Alexei Navalny.
That inner moral compass was the main difference between those Germans who risked life and limb to help total strangers, and those who betrayed their close friends and neighbors and turned them in, all those years ago.
Many came from similar backgrounds, had similar educations, similar upbringings, etc., yet, some chose to do the right thing, even in the face of their own demise, while others chose the easier, temporarily-less-painful, path.
Thankfully, we’re not in 1939 Germany, or modern day Russia. For now.
Anyone with an IQ over 4 knows this election is not about "politics." If you don't, you're living on Pluto.
One of the reasons we are where we are is because so many of our so-called leaders, from all walks of life, have chosen to remain silent in the face of a cult of hate, for almost a decade now. Instead of banding together and 'punching the proverbial bully in the face', thus putting an end to his rein of terror, we've let him divide us and herd us like sheep, leaving many of us feeling helpless and weak.
By putting forth a statement vowing to remain silent during the most important time of our lives, a statement unilaterally signed by every one of its executives, one of the most beloved - and powerful - companies the world has ever seen, has shown they care more about selling burgers than they do defending the very liberties that made them what they are. They have shown they care more about sales projections than they do the few million soon-to-be-potentially-deported naturalized citizens. They have shown they care more about not being boycotted than they do the rights of their own daughters and grand-daughters.
The good news is, it's not too late. There's still time do the right thing. To speak out together, as one, and heed your corporate moral compass, instead of looking the other way. But time is running out.
You can easily change the course of what's left of your legacy by putting forth a statement saying something to the effect of, "After great deliberation, rumination, and soul-searching as a company, we need to clarify, while McDonald's welcomes all Americans, no matter gender, color, or creed, at all of our 13,449 franchises, as one of the most recognized brands by America's children and the younger generation of the world we live in, we have a moral duty, both as leaders to our employees the world over, and as parents ourselves, to denounce hate and division, wherever it may lie. Our beloved Ronald McDonald teaches Tolerance, Compassion, and Character. Thus, we'd be hypocrites if we chose to "sit this one out", as the coming days could literally determine whether or not our democratic experiment survives, or succumbs to hate, fascism, misogyny, and xenophobia. These are not qualities we would tolerate in one of our workers. They are definitely not qualities we support in our leaders.
To that end, we wholeheartedly endorse Kamala Harris for President."
One can dream, eh? Maybe, one day, the children who look up to your fictitious characters will take over and actually practice what they preach.
Have a nice day.
Your pal,